If you would like to submit an article for publication in our monthly E-zine, please keep these guidelines in mind.
*The type of content we are looking for should be accurate, informative, and not directed to cruelty to animals in any
*No links to pornographic sites involving animals, or obscenities.
*Articles may be up to a reasonable length, but may be shortened for E-zine purposes. A full length version may be posted
on the main page if permission is granted to do so.
*The format in which I'd like to have articles should be in .text or .wpd. Articles sent in email should be sent within
the email message and not as an attachment.
*If pictures are submitted, they must be in .jpg or .gif format and contain no obscenities or cruel acts to animals.
*Authors articles are properties of their own and will be treated as such and retain all copy rights. Please include Name,
website and any other information to be printed for crediting purposes. Email address for permission requests would be appreciated.
Unless authors states otherwise, articles are not to be reprinted or copied.
*At this time Personal Pet Advice is not charging a fee for publishing of any articles or website reviews. This is a free
E-zine to help inform pet owners on responsible pet care. Personal Pet Advice Staff do reserve the rights to change this policy
at anytime, with notification.
*Personal Pet Advice will not be responsible for the unauthorized copying of any articles or reviews.