Issue #1, August 3, 2004
This issue is for Rabbits. It includes articles on the proper care and housing of your pet rabbit. There is also a webpage
Rabbits.Org Review
Rabbits Article
Issue #2 September 3, 2004
Septembers issue covered Guinea Pig Care with some helpful tips on caring for your cavy. There is a link to a great website
that has lots of information on how to sex, feed, and care for your pig.
Guinea Pig Care
Issue #3 October 3, 2004
This issue focuses on caring for the elderly horse. Feeding and caring for this great animal after he retires is a topic
not usually thought of.
Horse Care
Issue #4 November 3, 2004
This issue focused on basic Cat/Kitten care. Food, basics, health care and other helpful information can be found here.
Do you know what to look for when choosing a new friend?
Basic Cat Care
Issue #5 December 2004
This issue focuses on basic aquarium set-up and fish care. It is geared towards new fish keepers who need a little information
to get a good start on stocking and setting up their aquariums, and keeping the hobby going for generations to come.
Basic Aquariums
Issue #6, January 2005
After the holidays, some people find themselves with a new puppy that they have recieved as a gift. What do you do next?
How do you take care of this new family member? This issues has a few tips and things to look for in a new puppy.
Puppy Care
Issue #7 Feburary 6, 2005
Reptiles are becoming a very popular pet. This article will give you tips on important health care for your new reptile.
Even if you have had one for a while, this article may add some new information to improve how you take care of your reptile.
Reptile Care
Issue 8 and 9 May 3. 2005
Outdoor pets are just as important to us as indoor pets. This article focuses on the care of outdoor pets during the
summer months.
Outdoor Pets