This is a very very large site that is dedicated to educating the general rabbit public on how to's. Complete with a FAQ
section, there is information on every aspect to raising, housing, and care for your rabbit. Even experienced rabbit owners
and breeders can learn something new from this site. I found it to be very informative and educational. There are links to
rescue and shelter organizations that are located all over the country. They also have pages that aide the spanish speaking
community as well as Japanese and other languages. There are pages that have vet information as well.
Here is a link I found useful for obtaining information on health and diseases. Rabbit Health
One other page, and there are many, I found interesting and informative was the Adoption education center. It is packed
full of information for anyone wanting to adopt a rabbit or needing information on the locations of shelters and rescue organizations.
Even if you are not interested in adoption you can still help out this wonderful organization by donating your money and time.
Every year there are over 12 million of these wonderful animals euthanized in shelters every year. That is a sad number and
seemingly there is nothing we can do, but even if we donate a little bit of money or even some time we may be able to save
just one. That would bring the number down to 11,999,999 every year!
Overall I found this site to be top-knotch and highly recommended. Everyone who is interested in rabbitry needs to
check this site out! It is a large site, so be sure to bookmark it so you can come back and check it out more thoroughly.